
Thursday 25 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Journey Exercise

This is our group's long version film practise. The film clip shows a students journey to a water machine.

The purpose of this film, is to practise different camera angles, acting, the production of creating a short film and editing skills.

Our group thought it was essential to practise this process before we begun the process of making our 5 minute short film. This was so that we could discover any potential problems or issues which could occur in the production of our 5 minute short film.

 Starring Lawrie Painter. Filmed, Directed and Edited by Josh Walker.

Thursday 4 October 2012


Short Film Title

The title of our film is called "Introducing... Sophie". There are two reasons why we have decided on this title name. The first reason is because it includes the name of the films main character, 'Sophie'. The film is all about Sophie and her mysterious 'condition', which is why we  her name is in the title, showing her importance in the film. The second reason is because the film shows how a group of interviewers try to discover what is wrong with Sophie, and what her 'condition' actually is. They do this through a full documentation of her life. Their aim is to film and then expose her condition, publicly for the first time ever. Because of this documentary aspect of the film, is the reason why we included the "Introducing..." part of the title. Because it represents how the film crew have documented and will expose Sophie, and in doing so, introducing her true self to the public, for the first time.


The duration of our film will approximately be 5 minutes. This is because we are creating a short film, and our group feel that 5 minutes will be a perfect time to develop characters on a basic level, portray a story line, and include a twist at the end. Because our short film will only last 5 minutes, it will keep the audience interested and entertained.

Target Audience

The target audience of our film, is generally horror fans. This is because the genre of our film is documentary horror. However, the short film will be marketed towards late teenagers and young adults. This is because all the characters in the short film will be young adults, which appeals to a young audience. The age certificate for 'Introducing... Sophie', will be a 15 certificate. This doesn't limit the audience for our film, because children younger than 15 years old will more than likely not be interested in our short film. This could be either because of the content of the film, or because of the style of film, which needs to be watched by a mature audience, so that they'll be able to fit different clues together to fully understand the short film and it's plot.


An 18 year old girl called Sophie, who once was a sweet christian girl, could now be an outcast to society, hated and feared by everyone who once loved and cared for her. But, why? Well nobody knows exactly why, not even herself. All that people know is that she has a "condition", which is always mentioned to excuse everything she has ever done wrong. She is strange and weird and twisted and violent, and not worth anyones time. 

After years of suspicion Sophie was a full time test subject at a high security mental institute, after being recognised as a suspected mentally ill patient when her two brothers mysteriously died in their family home. This was when Sophie was 16 years of age. After 1 year of constant testing, her "condition" has still not been diagnosed. So with underlying regret, she had to be released and without charge due to insufficient evidence in connection to her two brothers deaths.  

Sophie, is currently living in a bedsit and has been unemployed for just going on a year. In that time, the local police have received hundreds of mysterious complaints from neighbours in the bedsit, all pointing to Sophie. 

What is the mystery behind Sophie's condition. Why is she so different to everyone else. And how could everyone who once loved her, now wants nothing to do with her. A documentary crew travel to Sophie's hometown; interviewing Sophie herself, her family, friends and intermediate relations. After collecting information of Sophie, we knew what she was. A vampire; and we caught it  all on camera. 

suggested elements

Our groups short film at first, suggests to be a documentary, following the life of a young girl called Alice. However, it turns out to be a fictional thriller film. This is very unexpected and unique, as our short film demonstrates this twist of genres.   

Monday 1 October 2012

Our Short Film Distribution Company - Quat Media

Short films are more and more becoming popular and are a fantastic way of new directors and movie makers to get their talent out there globally. Because our film is based on a modern genre, (documentary horror), our group thought it would be relevant to distribute our film through a modern distribution company. This is because we feel that a modern distribution company would benefit our short film the most because they would understand who are target audience is and how to get our film out there to the public.

There are many ways to distribute a short film. The most affective being, television broadcasting, throught the internet, and through short film festivals. Because of this, one short film distribution company, that has contacts globally for international short film festivals, is a company called Quat Media.

They specialise in the worldwide distribution of short films, and are an award winning film distribution and sales agency. Quat media is based in Toronto, Canada, but deal with film makers all around the world and have the contacts to distribute short films globally. This applies to our short film and would be suitable for our location. They offer a film festival strategy service where they get your short film in festivals around the world and through different language boundries.

Short film distribution companies, that offer a quality and a fair price are hard to find. Usually, they charge extortionate prices for the service. Getting a good value for money is hard to come by with distribution. However Quat media offers an international distribution service which is to a high quality standard and well priced.

'Quat Media' have recently distributed a film called "Curfew". It is an award winning Short Film for the Best Live Action Short Film (2013)