
Friday 3 May 2013

Media Evaluation. Part 4.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction, and research, planning and evaluation stages?
The availably of media technologies have heavily influenced the research, planning and evaluation stages of my project. We have used a variety of equipment and software to aid us in the production of our film. The wide availability and lack of technological constraints has helped us collectively to develop and produce our project in a professional approach. The varieties of high quality digital equipment we used in the production of our film, gave us the scope we needed for planning, research and overall physical production the final product.

In the creation of our short film, we used a range of technical equipment. The use of the allowed us to film professionally, edit professionally and create a professional finish. We recorded our entire film on a HDV-1000 camera, which works well in giving you full control over exposure and focus in simple, logical control formats. The video and audio quality is very professional; it competes equally with anything you see on digital TV. With the camera, we used a tripod, to steady the shot, giving that professional feel and creates a less-amateur look. Additionally, the camera recorded on tape, enabling us to increase the quality of the footage. We used the tripod in a lot of the scenes, especially in the café scene, where the camera slightly pans around and stays steady and well filmed. Also, the pool hall scene works well as we sped it up; this created a very fluid look due to the steadiness of the tripod.

We also used a zoom recorder, which was used to film Alice’s Voiceover in the film. We decided to use this device as it was the best quality of recording devices at our availability. The zoom recorder was also used in the making of our radio trailer. The zoom recorder was quick, easy and efficient and was very easy to put on our computer.

Notably, we used an Apple Mac, providing us with a variety of software programmes needed in the creation of our film. Available to us was Cel-tex were we could create professional looking scripts. Final-cut pro was also used to edit our film and of course, the internet for any research material. This also gave us access to prezi, slide share and our blog to create professional pieces. Final-Cut Pro was the software which we used to most. During our AS year, we used this software; but only at a basic level; this year we were able to create the film is a less basic form, using colours to edit, different effects that worked well against our film and rhythmic editing to create that professional finish. Final Cut Pro allowed us to create our professional finished film.

We used adobe photoshop to create our film poster, where we are able to blend images well, create fluidly in the picture and change and edit colours and parts of the picture efficiently. Overall, the use of this helped is to create a really well-rounded poster, which represents our film and looks great.

Finally, access to the internet using slideshare and prezi has helped us to create our final evaluation. The uses of this are really effective in create a really great look of our ideas.


Media Evaluation. Part 3