
Friday 21 September 2012

The Stereotypical Female Modern Vampire

The stereotypical vampire which is shown in films and tv shows are usually suave and sophisticated females. The reason why they were created is to idea of them to be seduce was purely invented to seduce the audience. This is because they inject the programme or film with a huge sex appeal. Horror and thriller films are usually directed towards a male audience, because of there gory and bloody scenes and explicit content. Because of this, directors and film makers, in recent films or tv shows, create the vampire to be a sexy and erotic girl, to add to the entertainment for men. The sexy female vampire is an iconic sex symbol for horror films. The female vampire seductively lures her victim into her clutches, but she doesn't want sex, but to feed on the victims blood. This leads to the male audience fantasizing if they were in the victims shoes, which sparks their imagination. The stereotypical female vampires are shown to be so seductive that by the time they are feeding from their victim, the victim doesn't really mind.

Most commonly, in a film which vampires are including in, the victim is mostly opposite sex to the vampire. Which adds to the sexual seduction which a vampire needs to portray, to be a normal stereotype. However, if the vampire is female, the victim can sometimes be also female. Because this has the same seductive affect on the male audience. This female vampire on a female victim also appeals to a wider audience. Because of this, in our film the victims of our Female vampire will be a boy and a girl, which will appeal to a general wider audience.

The most common female vampire normally is included in hammer horror films. They are usually pretty and have a busty chest, a glamorous figure, long silky hair and always, mysterious eyes. Although, throughout most of the films which they are in, they are portrayed to be glamorous and alluring, sometimes they have a flip side where they are portrayed to be evil monsters.

For example, In the film 'Van Helsing', Dracula's Brides are shown to be beautiful models, which is directed to the male audience because of the sex appeal. However, when they get angry and want to 'feed' on human blood, they turn in to flying monster bats, which add to the hammer horror element, quality and entertainment of the film.

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