
Friday 11 January 2013

Different camera angles for a psychological film

This link leads to a forum which discusses different camera angles which can be used in a psychological film which can express emotion very well. Some of the techniques would be very useful to include in our groups 5 minute short film.

Some of the best techniques which I have found on this forum, was a quote which was made from 'Polanski' which said that showing a character walking from left to right is a sign of power. This is because in the western worlds, people read writing from left to right. On the other hand, if a character is shown to move across the screen right to left, this shows the effect of resistance.

Another effect which I thought was interesting is to capture the emotion of a character from a close-up of their face and extreme close ups of a characters eyes. This allows the audience to be right up in the characters face, so that they can share the most intimate and emotional moments of the characters experiences.

These techniques are interesting effects which our group will include in our 5 minute short film.

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