
Friday 16 November 2012

Character Profile

Background Info: 
Sophie Walker is 18 years old. She is an outcast from society; often found walking the streets of her town oblivious of the world around her. She rarely speaks to anyone but often is seen alone in clubs causing havoc and is extremely violent. Her violent nature has created a fear towards her in strangers and even the people who once loved her. The cause of this personality change cannot  be pin pointed as she was brought up as christian girl; well mannered, happy and a privileged upbringing. Sophie has been to many specialists and psychiatrists to diagnose her 'condition'. Her condition has always been her excuse for everything she's done wrong. 

Physical Appearance:
Sophie is very tall, has short black hair and is extremely pale. She tends to wear anything black and often wears dark lipstick and very dark eyeshadow in contrast to her pale skin. She seems to create the 'gothic' look. Sophie is also very thin and tall. Its interesting to see that she never smiles, she always seems gloomy and annoyed. As though she is looking for a victim.

Her interests include metal music, art and reading. She's very reserved and hard to entertain. 

Role within Film:
Sophie has a vital role within the film; she is the basis of our documentary as she is the subject. Although we aim to film Sophie as little as possible, (to create a mysterious character) we will be incorporating many pictures and back flashes of her to create a stronger character buildup. 

Background Info:
Emma Wilson is also 18 years old and Sophies school friend from primary school until year 9. Emma and Sophie were very close friends until they had a huge row which neither of the girl will talk about. no one knows what the argument was about, nor do they know why Emmas hate for Sophie has lasted so long. Emma know attends college doing Art and Design and has a part time job. Emma is happy and social. it is clear the complete differences between Sophie and Emma.  

Physical Appearance:
Sophie is quite small and smiley with short red hair. She tends to wear anything colourful and wears natural make-up. Emma is also very thin and tall. Emma is always smiling or laughing and is extremely bubbly and likeable by everyone.

Her interests include art, photography, watching films, socialising and baking.

Role within Film:
Emma's role within the film is to build up a bit of background information towards Sophie's childhood. She will refer to their friendship and her 'changing' in high school. She will bring in information her parents don't know to help the film crew build up a structured story to what happens as well as maintaining a sense of mystery too.

Background Info:
Father Peter is relatively old and has served as Sophie's vicar all her life. Father Peter was a very close friend to the Walker family before Sophie went off the rails. Father Peter baptised Sophie when she was 2 years old. Father Peter is led to believe that Sophie has a drug problem and God has asked him to help her, she strives to bring Sophie back to her old self. 

Physical Appearance:
The priest is relatively old with a beard and glasses. He wears the traditional vicar robes and carries a bible everywhere with him. 

His interests include charity events, singing, playing the piano and helping out in the community 

Role within Film:
The Priests role is similar to that of Emma's role; he helps to give information on Sophie's background and explains run-ins he has had with her since her 'change'.

Background Info:
Father Peter is relatively old and has served as Sophie's vicar all her life. Father Peter was a very close friend to the Walker family before Sophie went off the rails. Father Peter baptised Sophie when she was 2 years old. Father Peter is led to believe that Sophie has a drug problem and God has asked him to help her, she strives to bring Sophie back to her old self. 

Physical Appearance:
Sophie's Mum is very petite and has a friendly smile, she has brown curly hair. 

Sophie's Mum is a Primary School and enjoys arts and crafts and reading and baking. 

Role within Film:
Sophie's Mum 

Background Info:
Joe and Sophie were together for 3 years from year 8 until year 11. They were very much in love and they were a very popular couple; after Sophie and Joe left school, rumours circulated that Sophie was violent towards Joe when she once went missing on a night out. Soon after they split up and no one knows why. Joe rarely socialises now and becomes agressive and withdrawn when anyone brings up Sophie.

Physical Appearance:
Joe is averaged size, tends to follow the skater dress trend. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. Nowadays he always seems to be scowling. This is an indication of Sophie's effect on him. 

His interests include skating, street art and anything creative.

Role within Film:

Joe's role within the film is very minor, he refuses to speak to the film crew and just swears and avoids any interaction at all.

Background Info:

Physical Appearance:


Role within Film:

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