
Friday 30 November 2012

Social Events

This mind map of 'Social Events' show some ideas which our group could implement in to our 5 minute short film. These subjects would be interesting to develop. Each idea was developed from our 'Social Groups' mind map.  The ideas in blue are not going to be used in our 5 minute short film, however, they were really useful to develop our final idea of a Social Event. Our final idea, is highlighted red. Our group decided that a mysterious girl with a condition, has been exiled from her family and the social groups which she was once involved with. This would be an interesting narrative which our group could present in a 5 minute short film. This topic is stereotypically relevant to teenagers and young adolescents, because of their constant worry to fit in with the people they know and the society they live in. This would give our target audience a narrative they could deeply relate to.

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