
Friday 16 November 2012

This mind map represents our groups ideas of 'Social Issues' which we could base our 5 minute film around. These 10 categories are what our group believes to be an interested focus to base our 5 minute film on. The categories relate to young adolescents which is who the target audience of our film will be aimed towards. Each issue could have been a huge part of people's life, at one time or another, so these issues could appeal to any age one way or another, either through personal experiences or the experiences of their family and friends. Our group discussed each issue and developed several of the issues around the narrative of our 5 minute short film. Our group has used these following groups around our narrative: Social status, clubbing, crime and social groups. The reason behind our groups choice of social issues, was because we could adapt these around are narrative and have the greatest effect in doing so. In our groups discussion, we decided not to contain social issues such as 'Sex' and 'Drugs', because we thought those groups were perhaps too deep for the narrative of our 5 minute short film, and could possibly turn our short film into something that we don't want the viewers of our short film to perceive. Also, the certificate of our 5 minute short film will be a 12A. Because of this, some topics aren't legally allowed to be shown in a 12A certificate film, and wouldn't appeal and could in some cases offend the audience.

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