
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Alice: Radio Trailer Analysis

This is our groups official radio trailer. The radio trailer was created using Imovie on an Apple Macbook Pro. The radio trailer was based on several radio trailers which I researched. The Radio Trailer is 27 seconds long which is an ideal length for a trailer which can only use audio.

The audio from the radio trailer uses diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Some sound clips from the short film have been abstracted and included in the trailer. Also, a voice over has been added to the trailer which allows extra information to be included in the trailer.

The non-diegetic and diegetic sound from our short film:

The diegetic sound from the film which is in the trailer is some of the quotations from some of the characters interviews such as:

  • "to how close we actually were, I just didn't think that she'd actually do it to me"

The non-diegetic sound from the film which is in the trailer is some of Alice's voice over which introduces Alice to the audience. 

  • "My name is Alice, I'm 19 years old and I'm a monster"

There is also a narration throughout the radio trailer. The narration helps give the audience more information and details about the film. For instance:

  • The production company who made the film. - "A Celestial Studios Production"
  • Strong statements which intrigues the audience. - "Someone who cannot be helped"
  • A quote which is used in the film and on the film poster. - "The supernatural is the natural not yet understood"
  • The radio  trailer ends with the name of the film, release date and the rated age certificate. - "Alice, coming soon, rated 15

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