
Thursday 25 April 2013

Thriller/Horror/Sci-fi Radio Trailer Research

The following YouTube clips are film radio trailers which follow a horror/thriller genre.


The Alien 1979 radio trailer is very basic. But that is all that it needs to be. The radio trailers mainly consist of music and sound effects which are used in the film. The music links to the genre of the film. There is very little dialogue in the radio trailer. The only part of dialogue in the trailer says "In space, no one can hear you scream! Alien, rated R from 20th Century Fox". However, in this short piece of dialogue, a lot of things are mentioned. These things are:

  • The name of the film. 
  • The age certificate of the film.
  • The film's production company
  • And the films tag line "In space, no one can hear you scream!"
However, the radio trailer contains no diegetic dialogue from the characters in the film. This is a common feature of modern radio trailers because they can give the audience an idea about the narrative of the film. 

The following two YouTube clips show two similar radio trailers which contain diegetic dialogue from the characters in the film. 


From this research, I will contain the features used in the Alien film, which apply to my film. These are:

  • The name of the film. 
  • The age certificate of the film.
  • The film's production company
  • And the films tag line "In space, no one can hear you scream!"
I will also include some diegetic sounds from my film which will be some of the character's dialogue. This is because I want to give the audience an idea of the narrative of my film.

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