
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Questionnaire Feedback Results Analysis

Feedback Results

Feedback received from the Questionnaire has brought to light some issues which need to be changed.

The main issues from the questionnaire results are that in some cases the audience wasn't sure what the plot and narrative the short film is. People was confused with the issues surrounding Alice and that they were quite difficult for the audience to understand.

Here are some of the data from the questionnaire:

What could have improved the film?

  • "Again, it could be my stupidity, but I couldn't quite work out the purpose of the film."
  • "More of an insight on what happened to her."
  • "To see what Alice was hiding from everyone."
  • "I'd like more obvious clues about what was wrong with Alice. What was it that she had learned to live with? She said herself "it was never about her bones."
  • "better ending."
  • "more if an insight of what happened to her."

Was the music and sound effects appropriate for the film and why?

  • "Yes & no. Initially I thought this was a horror genre, given the title sequence & music - I found this to be effective. however, as i continued to watch, i couldnt decide if it was a spoof or documentary. Perhaps it's just me but I was a little confused, sorry!"
  • Created drama and a sense of seriousness and tension."

Did you understand the film's plot and storyline?

  • "Not entirely."
  • "I think, but need to watch it again."
  • "I think so."

This data suggests that more information about Alice's illness needs to be shown in the narrative. The lack of information in the narrative about Alice's illness confuses people about the purpose of the film. These issues need to be addressed to improve the overall film.

To show Alice's illness in more light and to reinforce the horror/thriller element of the film, a final shot has been added at the end of the film. The shot shows Alice's mother brushing her teeth in the mirror. She'll then say "Alice isn't normal, she's not like us" then turn around and scream towards the camera whilst showing her teeth. She will show that she has vampire fangs. This will completely turn the plot of the film on it's head and add an unexpected twist. The audience will be startled by the scream and at the same time find out that Alice was the only normal person and the rest of people are vampire monsters. This will reinforce the thriller and horror aspect of the film and also add an unexpected twist to the narrative.

The following images are some results from the questionnaire which has been entered into column graphs and a pie chart:

These results suggests that our film will appeal more to a younger audience. People aged 15-17 were by far the most popular age answer my questionnaire.  

Because the genre of our film is Horror/Thriller; these results suggest that we were successful in making the film as a Horror/thriller genre. 

The common place where short films are released is online on various sites such as YouTube. This strengthens our initial thoughts.

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