
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Thriller Film Poster Research

The following images are a selection of thriller film posters:

Thriller Film Poster Conventions 

Mainly, film posters are portrait. However, I found some posters which were landscape. For example, the Inception poster above.

The majority of Thriller Film Posters have a blue tint. This creates an eerie, yet intriguing mood.

Here is a screen shot of 'Thriller film posters' which was searched via Google images. 

  As seen above, the majority of thriller film posters include the blue tint which is a common convention.

The title of the film is has a very large font compared to the rest of the text. This helps the title to stand out from the rest of the poster. The title is displayed in the centre of the poster, but differs from the top to the bottom depending on the images in the poster. For example, posters which contain close-up shots of faces, usually displayed the title underneath the face or across the eyes of the character. If the poster contains a background image, then the title text is normally place at the bottom of the poster or adapting around the scenery.

There is no specific criteria for a thriller film poster. The graphology of thriller film posters are always different. However the contents which are shown on them are always the same.

Factors which are always shown on a thriller poster:

  • Title of the film
  • Credit text (at the bottom of the poster)
  • Blue tint effect
  • Directors name and previous films which the director has made
  • Age certification
  • Production Company logo
Factors which can vary in a thriller film poster:

  • Text clauses from the film
  • Release date
  • Actors name (usually if the actor is not shown on the poster)

The research in to Thriller Film posters will help me to produce a Thriller film poster which contains the conventions of a thriller film poster, but also includes unique elements which apply to our 5 minute short film.  


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